
The team has a solid background to finance   innovative startups and to provide taylored support (finance, sales, engineering, marketing, IP, HR, …). It has developed close and steady relationships with a very supportive ecosystem in Paris Saclay  (incubators, accelerators, clusters, university and R&D centers, banks, business angels …). Scientipôle capital has a competitive advantage to source the best innovative projets and can provide support in almost all components  to lead entrepreneurs to success.

Since january 2021, Auriga Partner manages Scientipole Capital.

Jacques Chatain
Alain Blanchard
President of the board

Alain Blanchard
President of the board
Sébastien Descarpentries

Managing Partner at Auriga Partners
Sébastien Descarpentries
Florence Cadereau
Secretary General

Florence Cadereau
Secretary General
Geoffroy Rosset

Partner at Auriga Partners
Geoffroy Rosset
Jean-Pierre Humbert

Co-founder of Scientipôle Capital - Chairman (2008-2020).
Former HR Manager at HP France and CEO at Agilent Technologies.

Jean-Pierre Humbert
Nathalie Ricoeur-Nicolaï

Co-founder of Scientipôle Capital - Executive director (2006-2020).
Former Deputy Director of and economic and financial resarch at CDC IXIS (Caisse des dépôts).
PhD in economy.
AMF Certification.

Nathalie Ricoeur-Nicolaï
Frédéric Zampatti

Investment Director (2016-2020) at Scientipole Capital.
Deputy CEO of Nutrivercell.
Project manager at Genopole.
Graduated from Toulouse Business School.
Certification AMF

Frédéric Zampatti